MCG certified training: innovative solutions in pandemic times

MCG News

As an industry that operates on a global scale, MCG has professional training as one of the bases for all its employees’ qualifications, being a DGERT certified company. Training and qualifying its human resources are one of MCG’s vectors to maintain high levels of product quality and the satisfaction of all its customers.

Given the limitations brought by the Covid-19 pandemic to face-to-face training, MCG reinforced its investment in MCG B-Learning, an online training platform that the company makes available to all its Employees.

Despite being active with great success since February 2020, the MCG B-Learning platform has assumed extra importance and made it possible to maintain the training activity in the company over the past few months.

Many of the actions that would take place in the face-to-face format were taken to the online format, in addition to the launch of a set of new content that would not otherwise reach the Employees.

From the start, the activity on the platform exceeded expectations, with a very positive response from the Employees. more than 7,000 courses have already been completed, covering more than 370 Employees.

More efficient processes

It was also possible to make some processes more efficient, with improvements through online training. MCG makes available to all its Employees different content and courses, which can be attended according to their personal and professional development needs and on any computer, smartphone, or tablet with Internet access.

This content is mainly developed internally, but MCG also counts on the collaboration of specialized partners in the training area to develop courses tailored to the needs of the company.

Face-to-face training in MCG will continue to exist and will resume once the restrictions of the current pandemic state are lifted, but the MCG B-Learning platform is part of a competency development strategy that covers the entire company and all functions.