MCG renews the ‘Gold Medal’ distinction awarded by EcoVadis

MCG News

MCG once again received the ‘Gold Medal’ distinction from EcoVadis, a recognition that demonstrates the strong commitment and effectiveness of the company’s practices in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The performance that motivates the award of this ‘Gold Medal’ to MCG this year has improved by five percentage points compared to the results recorded in 2019 (67% in this edition referring to 2020 instead of 62% in 2019). This classification results from the improvement of MCG in the ‘Sustainable Purchases’ field.

MCG renews the 'Gold Medal' distinction awarded by EcoVadis MCG

The EcoVadis distinction is based on the work that MCG has been developing around the four pillars of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy: ‘Environment’, ‘Labor Practices’, ‘Ethics’ and ‘Sustainable Purchases’. And it is possible thanks to the commitment of all Employees and teams regarding the strategy of continuous improvement in occupational safety and environmental management.

EcoVadis is a sustainability classification platform for global supply chains, and it is through this platform that large international customers evaluate MCG’s performance as a supplier.

That is why this recognition, in addition to placing us in the highest international standards of Corporate Social Responsibility, reinforces why our customers and partners can continue to trust MCG.

The EcoVadis ‘Gold Medal’ is once again helping to reinforce the set of MCG Certifications.




MCG renews the 'Gold Medal' distinction awarded by EcoVadis MCG