Continuous improvement in all processes is one of the pillars of MCG’s activity. To be more productive from production lines to top management, we all must manage to organize improvements and make our tasks more efficient, in general.
To achieve these levels of improvement in a more integrated way, MCG has started a series of projects with the support of the Kaizen Institute. And the Daily Kaizen leadership project is one of the first initiatives to be implemented at the company.
Is now completed this first stage with the definition of the basic elements to be included in the Daily Kaizen tables that are near the production line. And the project ended with a very positive result in the audits carried out until the end of September.
These results give a clear status on the implementation of the entire project so far. It shows a gain in routines and a cultural change in the teams, who today look at their work and understand their role and contribution to their department and all MCG activity.
This is the correct way forward, with plans to extend the action of Kaizen projects to all MCG production units.
The Kaizen Institute’s vision
João Santos, from the Kaizen Institute delegation in Portugal, explains the Daily Kaizen better to us and how the measures implemented can optimize processes at MCG.
What does the Daily Kaizen methodology consist of?
It can be the first step towards a cultural transformation of the organization, in this case at MCG. Daily Kaizen aims to develop teams, both field and supervisory, and develop the leaders of those teams so that everyone is more autonomous and can develop improvement behaviors.
We want teams, daily and (almost) 100% autonomously, to improve and measure their processes by organizing their work to achieve the expected results.
How can MCG benefit from the implementation in question?
Immediately, there are two major benefits. First, develop leaders and train them for a paradigm shift: from day-to-day problem management to a situation of thinking about improving day-to-day problems.
Then, it is important to get the teams to measure their indicators so that they can soon have an impact on the results obtained, as they will be able to profit in process improvements.
What measures can be implemented, if so?
In terms of specific processes, some examples are the control of equipment setups, the breakdowns, the reduction of micro-pauses, the fulfillment of autonomous or planned maintenance checklists, the fulfillment of day-to-day standards…
In the first stage, it is necessary to define the indicators that will be measured, from the production teams to the supervisory and management teams. Then, we must set up the dynamics of work organization day by day, hour by hour.
Finally, it is necessary to build a dynamic of improvement: analyzing indicators and making the necessary corrections. A physical team table will be consulted by everyone, every day, so they can make decisions for continuous improvement.