MCG recently participated in the Final Conference of the MAESTRI project to present the results of this R&D project that aims to develop a flexible and scalable management system that promotes good industrial management practices and industry 4.0.
As one of the four real industrial environments of this European initiative, MCG continues to energize the implementation of the Lean culture and the Total Efficiency Framework in the production processes of MCG industry and MCG transportation business units.
After summarizing MAESTRI project progress to date, each of the four pilot frameworks in real-life context has shown in detail the results they are achieving, with direct correspondence to the four pillars of the program:
- INEGI – Eco-efficiency: environmental and energy management systems.
- LINK – IoT and sensors: applications and demonstrations in real-life environments.
- Cambridge University – Industrial Symbiosis: case studies, business impact, and toolkits to use.
- Lean Institute, in partnership with MCG – Application of the LEAN Management system and presentation of the respective LEAN tools developed.
In addition to the interesting presentation by Steve Evans of the University of Cambridge (on the challenges of European industry in an evolving world), the focus was on presenting how the LEAN Management system is being applied in MCG.
We recall that in practical terms, and through various initiatives with the other partners of the consortium, the MAESTRI project has enabled MCG to implement several production monitoring systems on the shop floor. Here are some improvements:
- It has been possible to review the concept of performance indicators of some production teams, applying good management practices in the team and training team leaders to conduct daily operational meetings, which translate into interesting productivity gains.
- Follow-up of internal rejection and problem-solving methodologies now demonstrate greater control at the level of various indicators.
- The connection to the laser cutting and punching machines, bending machines, and welding machines now allow data collection of production, energy consumption, and others, which makes it possible to show operators in the factory their performance indicators in terms of productivity, quality and availability.
- This same link also feeds a MAESTRI platform that is being developed within this project and will allow in the future to make evolutionary analyses that confirm the implemented improvements.
The MAESTRI project will have a final review with the European Commission, in parallel with its official closure, on 8 and 9 October, at ISQ (where this final conference was also held).
Remember the advances of the MAESTRI project at MCG as one of four real industrial environments:
» MAESTRI project at MCG: flexibility, resource optimization, and waste reduction
» Maestri Project and the Lean philosophies at MCG: less waste and more productivity
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