MCG EvoLab – ‘A team dedicated to technological innovation.’


The first steps are being taken towards what will become MCG Evolab. António Coelho, MCG Industry and MCG Transportation General Manager, and Rui Marques, the engineer responsible for the project, explain what this new innovation and development center at MCG consists of.


Technological Innovation: the creation and application of new or improved technologies, tools, systems, and processes that bring significant or even disruptive advances in various fields. It involves the acquisition of knowledge, specialization, and diverse resources needed to develop solutions that solve problems, improve productivity, drive progress, and generate value.

Originating from this powerful concept, the MCG Evolab project will provide cross-functional support to all business areas as an innovation and development center.

And the conditions are set for success, as explained by António Coelho, MCG Industry and MCG Transportation General Manager, and Rui Marques, the engineer responsible for MCG Evolab.

What is the MCG EvoLab?

António Coelho: In the MCG context, Evolab represents a team that spans various business areas while remaining exclusively dedicated to technological innovation.

Although MCG has over ten years of experience in R&D projects, the format lacked alignment with the business strategy, making the process somewhat ad hoc and disconnected, until now.

Previous R&D projects focused almost exclusively on product innovation, somewhat overlooking the development of industrial processes. The management model underlying MCG Evolab now assumes a significantly different approach.

Rui Marques: The first step involves aligning innovation with market strategy. At this point, we can say that MCG Evolab focuses on exploring technology and processes related to lightweight materials (composites, fibres, aluminum).

These lightweight materials, critical for markets related to electric mobility, aviation, railway, among others, enable the creation of lighter products and promote more sustainable solutions. Consequently, these innovations, an exciting part of our future, bring differing technological processes from those we currently use.

António Coelho: By giving due importance to organizational and cultural issues, we facilitate collaboration between departments, promote knowledge-sharing, and provide conditions so good ideas
can be implemented.

This is one of MCG Evolab’s objectives. However, because of individual development and organizational culture, change takes time.

What objectives do you set for this new project?

António Coelho: A successful process depends upon defining clear objectives for innovation. The MCG Evolab aims to research and validate new technologies, eventually serving as an incubator for these technologies before incorporating them into the factories.

A second objective involves developing and prototyping products for various applications beyond those currently served by our business areas. In this case, it may be highly probable that prototyping also uses processes and technology new to MCG.

We also envision the MCG Evolab as a training center, for when processes move to the factory, not only to aid operators and process engineers in becoming familiarized with the technology in question but also to reinforce the technical skills of other employees, especially those involved in special processes.

Please explain us on how MCG Evolab is open to external partnerships…

António Coelho: In this second decade of the 21st century, a company does not survive on its own; innovation becomes impossible or very difficult if it does. Therefore, the work plan of MCG Evolab promotes continuous contact with various external entities (industrial partnerships, universities, experts, etc.) both directly and by participating in technology and innovation fairs.

Because of this, we will remain current on emerging and differentiating technologies, as well as market trends and dynamics.

MCG EvoLab - 'A team dedicated to technological innovation.' MCG

António Coelho, MCG Industry and MCG Transportation General Manager

What types of projects are underway?

Rui Marques: We have a very interesting portfolio of ongoing projects, both related to technology and product. Regarding technology, we have started identifying and validating two technologies that
would allow us to significantly reduce production costs. One is related to the theme of robotization of welding, and the other is related to the robotization of grinding itself.

Regarding the product, we were assembling the third prototype of the cabin of a new TK Elevator elevator, a structure made entirely of aluminium. This product possesses extreme complexities due to the number of parts, tolerances, and special processes involved.

Lastly, advanced discussions with various technological partners have commenced to conceptualize and formalize a project that will bring together process innovation, new production technologies, and product innovation. We hope to apply to P2030 in the first months of 2024 and, if approved, start the project in the second half of the year.

MCG EvoLab - 'A team dedicated to technological innovation.' MCG

Rui Marques, the engineer responsible for the MCG EvoLab project.

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