In the course of its activity during the Covid-19 pandemic, MCG is following all the recommendations of the official entities, with the main objective of ensuring the Health and Safety of all its Employees and all people who visit the company’s facilities.
In this sense, and in a context of constant contact with a wide range of local companies, MCG shares some of the measures implemented in the company and aims to guide all Employees in adopting safe behaviours.
The safety of the Employees of our neighbouring and partner companies is also our safety.
Measures implemented to prevent Covid-19 pandemic:
- The use of a social mask is mandatory, which must be placed before entering MCG’s premises. The company provides each Employee with two units.
- To increase the protective factors, MCG recommends the use of a protective visor. The use of the visor is optional. MCG makes a unit available to each Employee, who is responsible for its good use and conservation.
- It is mandatory to carry out MCG’s handwashing and cleaning routine whenever the factory bell rings every two hours. Always avoid contact of the hands with the eyes, nose, and mouth.
- The safety distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained in all situations that require the presence of several people in the same space.
- Safety marks on the floor must be taken into account in all spaces in common use: cafeteria, corridors, passageways.
- It is important to wash hands when entering factories. For this purpose, a disinfectant solution is provided near the supply systems of other personal protective equipment.
- Only one person is allowed to stay in the smoking area.
- The sharing of objects and equipment for personal use, as well as food, is prohibited.
- Only two people are allowed to stay in the WC’s at the same time.
- The MCG Security team should be contacted immediately if Covid-19 symptoms appear. In case of fever, the Employee must not go to work.
- All spaces should have doors open, preferably. In this way, the spaces are ventilated and contact with the door handles is avoided.
- When sneezing or coughing, each person should cover their nose and mouth with their forearms or tissue. And throw the tissue in the trash right away.
- MCG measures the body temperature of all its Employees before entering the premises, without registering and/or storing this and any other personal information.
- MCG uses all means at its disposal to keep all its Employees informed about the whole Covid-19 situation, using TV screens, information posters, and many other forms of internal and external communication. This process involves, among other things, the daily update of an online dashboard with the current Covid-19 situation at MCG, with information regarding the procedures to be performed in case of symptoms and the complete contingency plan prepared by the company.
- Through several digital channels available anywhere and anytime, MCG provides its Employees with training, in addition to maintaining a logic of sending constant information.