MCG is reinforcing its levels of energy self-sustainability

MCG Stories

MCG’s commitment to energy efficiency, with a consequent reduction in the environmental impact of its activity, has been reflected in very positive indicators in terms of sustainability.

Close to 17% of the total energy consumed at MCG comes from renewable sources, more specifically from photovoltaic solar panels installed in several buildings and areas of the company’s facilities. In 2020, there was a production of 720,000 kWh of energy through these photovoltaic panels.

This result, as well as sending 99.5% of the waste produced for recycling, helps MCG to reduce its ecological footprint by 37% since 2017.

MCG is reinforcing its levels of energy self-sustainability MCG

This is a type of energetic self-sustainability that MCG is proud to have achieved, with approximately 25% of the energy produced by these means being sold to the public network, since there is a surplus of energy production that causes the energy consumption to be lower than the amount of energy produced in a certain number of hours.

MCG is reinforcing its levels of energy self-sustainability MCG

Another MCG’s recent major investment is based on capturing water from its own source.

The water from this own collection satisfies 47% of MCG’s consumption needs and is used in production processes, green spaces’ irrigation, and supplying fire network deposits and cleaning machines.

MCG is reinforcing its levels of energy self-sustainability MCG

Please note that all data indicated in this article are for the year 2019.

This is a sustainability strategy that allows MCG, for example, to maintain the ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Certification in the MCG automotive business unit, also following the logic of investments in renewable energy that has existed for several years in the company.

MCG is reinforcing its levels of energy self-sustainability MCG