Training and qualifying its human resources is one of MCG’s vectors to maintain high levels of product quality and the satisfaction of all its customers. In 2020, MCG set the objective of implementing a Training Management System and its certification. The recognition of this work and the quality of the training resulted in the attribution of the DGERT Certification (Certificate No. 3819/2020).
This certification is awarded by DGERT (the Portuguese Direção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações do Trabalho) following its certification framework, which is made up of a set of requirements and duties that define the quality of the training provider’s training service.
MCG achieves the objective of certifying its Training Management System, systematizing all the practices already implemented in the training and qualification activity, and ensuring evaluation methodologies and continuous improvement.
In addition to certifying the quality of its training, MCG is also qualified to apply for financing and incentive projects in the area of training, since only certified companies can access this type of support.