‘Our day-to-day work means that we are always evolving.’

MCG Stories

Meet Daniel Barradas, from the IT Department at MCG, and get to know a little of his work in the development of IoT systems on MCG manufacturing units.


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Daniel Barradas recently reinforced MCG’s IT Department for the development of IoT information systems. “For a few years I worked as a CNC machine maintenance technician and learned a fundamental part about the industry that I didn’t know so well”, says this company employee.

Daniel explains that all this background gave him “a good basis to implement information systems and collect data and information coming from the machines” of the various MCG manufacturing units.

Please read the interview with this MCG employee and get to know his MCG Story:

And about your new role at MCG?

It’s a big challenge, although I have some know-how in IoT systems. But it’s a big challenge. Also because I’m preparing MCG for industry 4.0.

'Our day-to-day work means that we are always evolving.' MCG

Do you feel like you keep learning something new every day?

MCG promotes and insists that we always have to learn.

Our day-to-day work means that we are always evolving, but in addition, MCG has a b-learning system in which we can take courses, any type of courses, not only in our areas but also in other areas.

This makes us motivated to always keep learning. I think it is very important that the company is concerned with this aspect, with the evolution of people and with learning.

This makes us avoid making the same mistakes and manage to evolve and have more productivity.

'Our day-to-day work means that we are always evolving.' MCG

How can your work help MCG evolve?

The biggest challenge in this new role is getting information about the machines so that MCG can evolve towards Industry 4.0.

This new information will help in the shopfloor, eliminate some productivity errors and improve product quality.

And also in cost reduction, in the reduction of processes, and helping to improve the quality of the products.

Any funny story at MCG?

I remember two funny episodes with Mr. Manuel da Graça [the founder of MCG].

One of them was when he used to arrive with his jeep and entered the production units.

When we knew he was here, we used to put up some barriers so he couldn’t enter the units, for our safety.

The other episode was on the opening day of Rua Manuel da Conceição Graça [the main street in front of MCG, in his honor].

He was there, the whole family was very proud (and so were we!), and he was very happy.

How would you describe MCG to someone?

For me, MCG is my family, it’s my home. This is what the company means to me.

We have to have affection for the people who are part of our family. If the company cares about us and thinks that Safety First is the most important motto, that says it all.