MCG transportation’s entry into the high-speed train floor production segment is confirmed: MCG has recently guaranteed the development and production of the cabin floors for the new generation TGV trains Avelia Horizon.
This is a long-term project for the construction of 100 trains by the manufacturer Alstom for circulation on French territory by SNCF. These floors will be fully developed and produced by MCG in close collaboration with the customer. The project is already at an advanced stage of development and production will start at MCG in 2020.
The confirmation of the project follows MCG’s policy of co-development with the customer and contributes to the great goal of placing excellence in each product developed.
MCG transportation teams are thus facing new challenges at all stages of the development and production process of the floors for Avelia Horizon TGV trains. Both in conception, phase in which the selection of materials and process design plays a key role, as in the validation of the final product.
Most of the components of this new generation train have an optimized design to simplify and reduce intervals between maintenance interventions, also allowing energy savings of up to 20% compared to today’s TGV trains.
Other projects that confirm MCG transportation as one of Alstom’s most robust suppliers for train and bus floors:
» Floor of eight meters for the 100% electric bus Alstom Aptis
» Plug and play floor system for RER Alstom trains
» Heated floor system: design and modules ready to install