PRODUTECH – Production Technologies Cluster is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Industry of Manufacturing Technologies.

This Cluster comprises companies that are capable of addressing competitiveness and sustainability challenges by delivering innovative, flexible, integrated and competitive solutions in response to the manufacturing industry’s needs.

MCG goals in this initiative

  • Improve the company’s flexibility and performance through a stable, lively and reliable manufacturing system that can deliver the highest quality products.
  • Keep the industry based on cutting-edge techniques, equipment and technologies, always focused on improving suppliers and other stakeholders.
  • Give continuous attention to the organization’s value chain, in order to bring know-how to the group, maximizing the corporate vision.


Main mission

PRODUTECH’s mission is to promote the sustainable development and internationalization of the Portuguese industry of manufacturing technologies – such as providers of capital goods, machine-tools, industrial equipment and systems, system integrators, software houses and developers of industry-oriented computer applications, engineering and consultancy companies – in close collaboration with key sectors of the manufacturing industry, the Portuguese Science and Technology System (SCT) and other stakeholders.


Site oficial e mais informações



Consortium / associates

Please all associates / consortium members on the official website.




