Sustainability at MCG

Producing with Consciousness

The sustainability of an industrial business begins within the factories.

This sustainability is not solely related to the company’s ecological footprint but rather to how daily management can contribute to the well-being of the planet, people, and society, all while generating profit.

Key pillars of sustainability at MCG:


Sustainability at MCG MCG

MCG – Sustained Strategy


Sustainability at MCG MCG

Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainability at MCG MCG

Certifications, Ratings, and ESG Policies


Sustaining a company’s activity for over seven decades is undoubtedly a challenge greater than many others.

In the case of MCG, this challenge began with the vision and perseverance of Manuel da Conceição Graça and continues with the family management of a structure where each person matters.

We aim to honor the past to ensure the future, not only of the business but of everything that underpins it:

  • Ensuring the safety of our employees, the most valuable asset of all, and contributing to the prosperity of their lives.
  • Supporting customers and adding value to projects that promote innovation for sustainability.
  • Increasing productivity levels so that all resources are used only to the extent necessary.
  • Enhancing human potential to foster a more industrial and self-sufficient Europe.

This is MCG’s responsible way of doing business and the recipe for many more decades of evolution.

Because the activity of MCG only makes sense if people and the world are well.
