Sustainable Development Goals

Ethics in business and a commitment to positive management in all aspects. MCG is based on these two major pillars in its behavior and relationship with all its stakeholders.

Based on optimized planning, all decisions and actions of the company aim to generate a positive impact on the activities of all companies, entities, and individuals with whom it interacts.

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MCG’s SDG: Decent Work and Economic Growth

In line with its sustainability-based management principles, MCG believes that businesses can and should be managed following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

It is up to each organization to assess and identify the goals it can contribute to, based on its activities and social responsibility. And, consequently, make decisions and take measures that strongly contribute to achieving these goals.

Given our industry’s characteristics, MCG has already implemented various measures aimed at the sustainability of its business and all related environments, from environmental preservation to support for the community in which it operates.

However, in an attempt to go further in identifying what our main responsibility may be, an action involving all Managers and Team Leaders led to the selection of the SDG in which MCG contributes the most: Worthy Work and Economic Growth.

See more:

» MCG’s SDG: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Ethics and sustainable management

Even before the term sustainability was used in an industrial context, MCG – Manuel da Conceição Graça, Lda was already putting into practice the pillars that best sustain a company, its activities, and the work of its people.

Throughout more than seven decades of existence, MCG has always sought to be as competitive as possible to ensure the success of its customers. In parallel, it aims to create value for all its stakeholders and generate a positive impact on the environment in which it operates.

To achieve this, it bases its activities on solid management systems, procedures, and strategies.

Ver mais:

» Nuno Moreira da Cruz: ‘Sustainability is the only strategy, there is no other.’

Sustainable Development Goals MCG
