Advanced Stamping Training at MCG

MCG News

MCG is hosting an advanced stamping training program in collaboration with the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), specifically with the Center for Mechanical Technology and Industrial Management (IDMEC).

This program is divided into six sessions, running from April to July, and takes place both at MCG and in the advanced material characterization analysis laboratories at IST.

The training is structured into five modules, covering topics ranging from the formability and fracture of metal sheets to advanced mechanical joining techniques through plastic deformation.

The course structure was detailed by Professor Paulo Martins and is delivered by him, along with Professors Beatriz Silva, Carlos Silva, João Pragana, Ivo Bragança, Dr. João Magrinho, and MSc Rui Sampaio.

All these sessions are part of the Hi-rEV mobilizing agenda and are of significant importance to MCG’s technicians and engineers. They provide essential theoretical and practical knowledge for the continuous innovation and improvement of various production processes.

This investment in training not only strengthens MCG’s internal competencies but also reinforces its strategic partnership with prestigious academic institutions. This collaboration allows for innovative developments to be published in the technical-scientific report of the Hi-rEV Project.

MCG believes this initiative significantly contributes to the professional development of the participants and to the technological advancement of the company. MCG remains committed to providing the best training and development opportunities, aligned with the industry’s needs and challenges.

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Advanced Stamping Training at MCG MCG