Ricardo Soares: “MCG has a 75-year journey and I want to be part of that story.”

MCG Stories

Ricardo Soares, Supervisor at MCG Transportation, shares his eight years of experience working at MCG, the lessons he learns everyday, and the importance of people to have success.


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Since eight years ago, Ricardo Soares’ daily routine at the MCG Transportation production units has never been the same. As a Supervisor, specifically for train floors, each day is seen as a challenge to overcome with efficiency and optimism.

Regarding safety prioritization at MCG, Ricardo emphasizes the importance of preventing accidents.

“Because people come first. That’s a major focus for the company, and for us as leaders, it’s something to follow as an example.”

“Safety comes first, and the company invests heavily in it, equipping us leaders with better tools to prevent accidents.”

Ricardo Soares: “MCG has a 75-year journey and I want to be part of that story.” MCG


“MCG has given me several training opportunities, but I’d highlight the EAB, a European Adhesive Certification. We need to have operators certified in the EAB system due to client requirements,” Ricardo explains.

“That’s why our bonding operators have this training, which is essential for them at the beginning. For me, it was a bit different because, by the time I took the training, I already had two or three years of experience.”

Ricardo Soares: “MCG has a 75-year journey and I want to be part of that story.” MCG


Regarding continuous process improvement, Ricardo Soares highlights the complexity of the processes and the importance of training and the desire to do better.

“Projects are increasingly complex, and this complexity encourages people to learn, improve, and grow daily.”

Ricardo Soares: “MCG has a 75-year journey and I want to be part of that story.” MCG

“It’s true; our projects are becoming more complex, and people keep learning from them.”


“I can highlight the most important project: the H4, which was the first heated floor we produced, back in 2017. It was a learning experience for all of us,” Ricardo proudly explains.

Ricardo Soares: “MCG has a 75-year journey and I want to be part of that story.” MCG

“And I’d mention the project launch for Alstom, which brought visibility to our [MCG Transportation] area. This project was challenging because no heated composite floor had ever been made before, and we were the first to do it in Portugal, which made it very interesting.”


For Ricardo, as a leader, listening to people and being empathetic is essential.

“With no doubt, there’s a good relationship among people. Anyone walking through the plants sees the strong relationship among people; it’s part of the company culture – I feel it.”

Ricardo Soares: “MCG has a 75-year journey and I want to be part of that story.” MCG

“People go through rough times, and sometimes colleagues let us know, saying, ‘this person is going through a tough time; if you can, try talking to them.’ So we talk, we discover things, and we help as much as possible. Because, at the end of the day, besides being colleagues, we’re almost family.”


Regarding product’s excellence, Ricardo shares customer recognition:

“MCG Transportation has certainly brought greater visibility to the company. We’re officially a supplier of heated floors, and costumers see us as a high-quality supplier.

“Many of them have other floor suppliers, but they say our quality is above average, and that’s fantastic.”